He Went Out

“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. And Simon and they that were with Him followed after Him.”  Mark 1:35-36

Let me tell you how I determine what verses I share and comment on each time. I am spending the year of 2021 reading the Gospels through each month. I am also reading Psalms and Proverbs 1 chapter per day. On thirty day months I read one Psalm, and on thirty one day months I read one chapter of Proverbs – these for extra reading and encouragement and instruction in wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

What I have been sharing here has been mostly from the Gospels; at least beginning in March it was. When I share from the gospels I try not to repeat something I have shared before, but I know I am not successful at that every time. Yet, there must be a reason for repeating it – at least I trust that there is.

Today, as I was reading I took note of the verses above how Jesus went out before the dawning of the day to pray. The Gospels mentions this quite often. I know that I do not pray as I should; yet I also know that where ever I am; whether I am walking, driving, shopping with my wife, in study, or what ever I am doing I can pray. Jesus has made that possible through the death of His cross.

I also know that I need dedicated time to pray. I would desire to be like the disciples in the verse above that followed Jesus to His solitary place, to be with Him. I need that time, I need that solitary place each and every day to be in prayer; dedicated place, dedicated prayer; and that will lead to a dedicated life in Him.

I pray that you have a dedicated and solitary place where you hear from God through His word, and where He hears from you in prayer.