In Your Day of Trouble

“The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee…” Psalm 20:1 (KJV)

The Psalmist is probably suiting up for battle at this point as the king of Judah.  The enemy is around and waiting to pounce.  In the time before the battle is a time for prayer.

When people pray before the battle we will be more secure in the thought of GOD hearing during the battle; those quick emergency prayers which are uttered from the heart.

His thought as he prays is on Jehovah [YaHWeH] the Almighty, the I AM of Moses and of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  He is our GOD too.

The whole of the Godhead is the GOD who will hear and aid us in our battles.  When?  In “The day of trouble”.  In defense He sets you up on a high place to shield you, protect you.  He is your shield.

There is no greater trust than to trust the One who is eternal GOD.  He has revealed Himself to mankind in the person of His Son.  At this time of year we are remembering His incarnation; God becoming man, that He might redeem us from our sins.  He is no longer that baby in a manger; rather He is the crucified, buried, and resurrected Lord of all the earth.  In your day of trouble He hears you.  Will you hear Him?